Ferani Dhita about: a Hijaber girl serve in a hotel room
World, now you’ve seen me all. i am ready to conquer every limitless adventure of yours on full force!

Categories 💦 #woman ❤ #hijabers ❤ #adventure ❤ #party ❤ #fullforce ❤ #event

· Party

· Dishes
Beautiful Hijaber

· Person

· Participants:

🧾 Used in Parties

“You’ve seen me like, what, dunno how many times you've seen me in this forum. Now you just gotta watch me for real on your own event.” I’ve shared this a few times, last time about 1 day ago. But now shortened worth a look if you’ve never seen me. Fact that no one else is laughing except the party event is perfect if you need a smile before you sleep. Watch !

Shows/parties/etc have always been a thing but in my experience, I've never been hired and used as an entertainer at a crowded party where the number of attendees is greater than at previous parties/events.  Everyone in the party enjoyed a very special dishes which was served nude until the end of the party.

If I remember correctly this was a very well executed party event. I serve and entertain every party participant. I admire the folks in the background doing miraculous work to keep straight faced, though can see a few smiles trying to crack through. Full force. But it may be too much 😊.

Wow what a day, my body is a bit tired now but was some good exercise and nice weather. Think my face caught some sun too but it's just red...

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